We deliver experiences that go beyond the globe’s go-to landmarks to get you up close to our local favorites – and favorite locals – while presenting you the greatest menu of touring styles to experience the world in the “wow” ways and great travel deals.
There’s globetrotting and there’s Globustrotting – a big step up! With 14 different touring styles, Globus delivers you the choices you crave with the broadest menu of touring styles available by any travel company. Ever. From the classic tours that made us famous to new, passion-packed Choice vacations; independent and private tours to off-season and off-the-beaten-path journeys, Globus has a travel style and itinerary to match every wayfarer, every wanderer and every budget. Globustrot your way to “wow!.” This is #TouringBeyond.
Love to tour but fancy a bit more freedom? This exciting touring style from Globus invites you to infuse more freedom, flexibility and fun on tour by spending your days, your way with an exciting variety of YourChoice Excursions included in the price of itineraries throughout Europe and North America.
Globus’ exclusive series of Undiscovered Tours throughout Europe and North America invite you to explore the world, off-the-beaten-piazzas, and picture-perfect landscapes where you can enjoy fewer crowds and more wonder thanks to up-close and unexpected discoveries.
Enjoy thinner crowds and thicker wallets when you explore the world between November and March on an exclusive series of Escapes by Globus that feature perfectly planned touring itineraries and everything you love about Globus, for up to 40% less!
Independence by Globus vacations invite you to enjoy the many benefits of touring, untethered and unscheduled free time included – to cure your curiosities and discover new destinations on your own with confidence thanks to on-the-go-support from our team of travel experts.