Days before departure | Charges per person |
90-60 days | 35% of total price |
59-30 days | 50% of total price |
29-1 days | 80% of total price |
On departure day and later | 100% of total price |
Cancelation fees may also apply to any additional services, including extra night accommodations, independently supplied services, and optional excursions reserved prior to, during, and after the tour. If flight changes, including but not limited to flight cancellations or name changes, are requested after full cruise and air deposits are received, revision fees, change fees, or airline cancellation fees will apply (see “Revision Fees” below). In many instances, airline revision or change fees can be up to $300, but in some instances may be up to 100% of the ticket price. Cancellation penalties will be quoted at time of cancellation.