
Carol Doody
Vacation Consultant

Carol Doody

Vacation Consultant
Navigators Club - Platinum

Has the "travel bug" hit you yet!

I was in high school and interested in geography when the "bug" hit me. After high school and college I set out on my first travel adventure. With a backpack, Eurail Pass, Youth Hostel Membership and two friends, I travelled for 8 weeks though Europe. I returned home without a clear plan for the future until I started working at a small travel agency in Fort McMurray, J.C. World Travel. This was a number of years ago, let us just say "back in the day". The travel industry has been a part of my life ever since. Most of my years have been spent working as a Customer Service Agent at the airport. I took early retirement from the industry a few years ago but it seems I can not stay away. I knew there was a lot to learn so I decided to join Expedia Cruises where the experience and resources are next to none. And so my journey continues. If travelling is a part of yours please contact me and I will be happy to assist with your travel plans. Whether it is cruising, all-inclusives, bus tours, flight bookings, car rentals or the train. Just let me know what interests you. Thank you for taking the time to read "About Me." I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Carol Doody Cruise & Vacation Specialist President's Circle Silver

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At Expedia Cruises, we are navigators of spectacular vacation experiences. As part of the number one brand in travel, this is our promise to you:

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Carol Doody
Vacation Consultant
Navigators Club - Platinum