
Visítanos en 29A Merrick Ave.
Merrick, NY 11566
Expedia Cruises near the Merrick LIRR Station


Travel Insurance is underwritten by Transamerica Casualty Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio; NAIC #10952. Travelex CA Agency License #0D10209. 26553551

This plan provides insurance coverage for your trip that applies only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker. The purchase of this plan is not required in order to purchase any other travel product or service offered to you by your travel retailer.


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

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  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Expedia Cruceros
President's Circle - Platinum

Lunes 10:00-6
Martes 10:00-6
Miércoles 10:00-6
Jueves 10:00-6
Viernes 10:00-6
Sábado 11-5
Domingo By Appointment