(919) 827-0190

Alison Ferrari
Consultor de Vacaciones

Alison Ferrari

Consultor de Vacaciones

A great vacation will make you smile just thinking about it!

I have always enjoyed learning geography and about all the unique and exciting places around the world. When I travel I like to try the local food and drink, visit landmarks and historic sites, see native wildlife if possible and just enjoy the culture and environment. My personal travel philosophy is that with so many places to see, I may never come back here, so I want to leave feeling like I was able to experience everything I came to do. As a Vacation Consultant with Expedia Cruises, I want to partner with you to plan your perfect vacation. I want you to have a vacation full of memories and experiences that last long after you are back home. I want you to have that vacation that makes you smile just thinking about it!

Contacto conmigo


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

Más información 
  • Asesoramiento de confianza.

  • La mejor alternativa y precios.

  • Extras Expedia®.

  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Alison Ferrari
Consultor de Vacaciones