
Caroline Nielson
Consultor de Vacaciones

Caroline Nielson

Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Silver

Caroline Nielson

With Expedia you can expect amazing prices and exceptional service. As a travel agent in Calgary, I look forward to helping you plan your dream vacation and realize some of your wildest dreams! Whether you are looking for some amazing adventures, or relaxing on a deserted beach, I can help you find the best fit for you. I love to travel!! My personal travel has included cruises to the Caribbean and Alaska. My inset photo is me holding a sled dog puppy in the Yukon. Isn't she cute? I have also vacationed at several all-inclusive resorts and I have traveled to the UK on almost a yearly basis. My son lives there and I was born there also. My bucket lists includes cruising to many destinations around the world including river cruises through Europe. As an Expedia Cruises agent in Calgary, I will be able to provide you with the latest special offers and the best deals you won't find anywhere else! Please feel free to book here on my website and I will still answer any questions you may have. Please call me or email me at your convenience. Thank you for visiting my website and I look forward to meeting you.

Contacto conmigo


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

Más información 
  • Asesoramiento de confianza.

  • La mejor alternativa y precios.

  • Extras Expedia®.

  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Caroline Nielson
Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Silver