
Charlene Demings
Consultor de Vacaciones

Charlene Demings

Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Bronze

I Love to cruise!

Travel enthusiast and cruising aficionado, I have a deep-seated passion for exploring the world by sea. With a love for the open ocean and a keen sense of adventure, I have journeyed to countless destinations, immersing in diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes. Whether navigating through the Caribbean islands or embarking on a Mediterranean voyage, I find joy in every wave and horizon, always seeking the next great adventure on the high seas. As a travel agent working from Winnipeg or from my home office in Mitchell, I'm always open for your questions. Thank you for visiting my website, I look forward to helping you fulfill your travel dreams.

Contacto conmigo


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

Más información 
  • Asesoramiento de confianza.

  • La mejor alternativa y precios.

  • Extras Expedia®.

  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Charlene Demings
Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Bronze