
Jim Kennedy
Consultor de Vacaciones

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Jim Kennedy

Jim Kennedy

Consultor de Vacaciones

(416) 456-1731
905 502-7447 (SHIP)
Línea gratuita

Expedia Cruceros

  • 4559 Hurontario Street Unit A-8B
    Mississauga, ON
    L4Z 3L9
    At SE Corner Hurontario and Eglinton
    Ver indicaciones

  • Appointments available after hours. In Mississauga MarketPlace - Same Plaza as Oceans. Next to Cora's Hurontario and Eglinton (South/East Corner) - close to Eglinton

Customer Testimonials

He is a travel agent who cares about his customer and goes above and beyond to make your vacation a special one. Jim took the time to meet with our group of 8 people to plan our Mediterranean Cruise, my first cruise. He helped us set up the whole trip and booking our extra excursions. He explained Everything to us so we could take advantage of the extras that were offered. Jim was there to provide information and answer all of our questions. He even surprised us in each of our rooms with a bottle of wine to enjoy while on our cruise. Thank you Jim for all that you have done for us and we look forward to booking with you again in the future. Marie and Vincent Rocco


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

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