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We traveled extensively when we were younger but put it on hold when grandchildren became a higher priority. Our first cruise, as seniors, was a one month long, across the Atlantic and through the Mediterranean. Joanne’s enthusiasm was contagious. She booked our cruise, our flights, and our hotels. She explained the joy of cruising to us, the luxury and freedom of being on a ship, but also provided us with information on gratuities, dining, and excursions. She answered all the questions that our inexperience had not thought to ask. Joanne kept us updated while she planned our cruise and was always looking for a better deal for a particular service. When we left Edmonton we knew exactly what would be happening each day of our vacation. Joanne came through again by planning our cruise to Alaska. All the details were in place when we left home. All we had to do was enjoy. She is now planning our one month cruise to South America and the Panama Canal. We have complete faith in her competence and integrity and are looking forward to this new adventure. George & Phyllis Osberg