I love life, take time to enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.
I Care about your need + listen + efficiently respond = Happy client
It is that simple!
I can customize your next trip, love to answer questions and thrive on challenges so
Let's get together soon... Call me for all your travel needs.
I am an honours graduate with a passion for travel from the Tourism and Travel Program at Mohawk College.
I love to travel:
I have personally travelled to the Dominican, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Bahamas, Florida including Disney, Columbia, Africa, Italy, Vatican City and Spain. Closer to home I have visited British Columbia, Quebec, the Maritimes, several states including Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and New York.
Experienced with air travel, land vacations, various types of accommodation, tours, special events, leisure, spa, packages and cruising.
“Thank you Linda for your hard work and sincere dedication to us.” Joanne and Chuck
“Linda is a very caring and compassionate lady who takes great pride in everything she does. She has an extensive knowledge base. Linda is always happy and willing to help others. She has good communication skills, shows initiative and follows through on commitments.” Frances
“Linda's personal qualities and work ethic along with her educational training and academic strengths should enable her to be successful in her lifelong learning goals and chosen career.” Julie
“Linda is a determined individual, practices sound judgment and displays a positive attitude.” Melissa
Personally I believe caring about others makes a difference…
Meet Lucas – an eleven-year-old boy with leukemia. I was the Project Manager for Dance for Lucas, a successful awareness and fundraising event held to help the family in 2014. I have volunteered with various causes we all care about and will continue to do so.
My goal:
To make valuable contributions throughout my career and personal life to help others.
Let's get together soon...
Call me for all your travel needs.