
Lorraine Robson
Consultor de Vacaciones

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Lorraine Robson

Lorraine Robson

Consultor de Vacaciones

403-278-SHIP (7447)
Línea gratuita
1-877-978-SHIP (7447)

Expedia Cruceros

  • #25, 11440 Braeside Drive S.W.
    Calgary, AB
    T2W 3N4
    Ver indicaciones

  • We are located in the Brae Centre Shopping Center at the corner of 24th Street & Braeside Drive SW. Our Travel Consultants work largely remotely and are available by calling their cell number or emailing them, if you have their contact info. Our Office can be called @ 403-278-7447 or emailed @ fishcreek@expediacruises.com.

Customer Testimonials

Stars of Africa AMA Waterways From the moment we arrived in Cape Town until the morning we left Victoria Falls, we felt as though we were given extraordinary treatment. From the elegant Cape Grace in Cape Town, the “out-of-this-world” Tintswalo Safari Lodge in Greater Kruger Park, and the luxurious riverboat, Zambezi Queen to the historic Victoria Falls Hotel, we were treated like royalty. In every location we appreciated the quiet elegance of our accommodations and the friendly and helpful staff. Meals became events and the menus varied and delicious. The guides provided at each location throughout South Africa by AMA were knowledgeable, friendly, entertaining and willing to go that little extra to ensure our experiences were unforgettable. Our personal favorite was our stay at Tintswalo Safari Lodge where we experienced incredible game drives with our guide Fritz and tracker Mpho who made our trip an unforgettable experience. Our suite was phenomenal, the staff outstanding and the special event meals unbelievable. This was truly “a trip of a lifetime” and our memories will stay with us for the rest of our lives. Allen & Vivian


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