
Teresa Reskevich
Consultor de Vacaciones

Teresa Reskevich

Consultor de Vacaciones

Expedia Cruises Travel Consultant for Domestic and International Travel

I moved to Venice Florida in 2020 after many years providing live-in senior care as the owner of TCR Caregiving located in the Indianapolis, Indiana area. It was such a rewarding career and I enjoyed providing in home care for so many exceptional clients. After moving to Florida, I wanted to pursue my life long passion for working in the travel industry. It was such a good fit and I am enjoying a career where I can assist with booking exciting travel opportunities for friends, family and myself. .

Contacto conmigo


En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

Más información 
  • Asesoramiento de confianza.

  • La mejor alternativa y precios.

  • Extras Expedia®.

  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Teresa Reskevich
Consultor de Vacaciones