(604) 374 5934

Tony Malyk
Consultor de Vacaciones

Tony Malyk

Consultor de Vacaciones

About Tony

Traveling is one of the treasures that makes life the adventure it is. Whether your ideal travel adventure includes seeing amazing scenery, experiencing new cultures, pushing your boundaries with exciting activities or tasting amazing local food, as a travel agent serving clients in Langley, BC and the Fraser Valley, I am committed to ensuring that your dream vacation is fulfilled. My wife and I went on our first cruise in 1992 and we have been passionate cruisers and travellers ever since. We have been on many cruises with 5 different cruise lines. Our cruising adventures have taken us to Mexico, the Pacific Coast, Alaska, Hawaii, the Carribean and Europe. When not cruising, we have also experinced Disney World ,Disneyland, Las Vegas and more. I have personally been on over 200 flights and have spent hundreds of nights in hotels rooms around the world throughout my vacationing and business careers so I fully understand the logistics of travel and the importance of attention to detail. I love to talk about travelling experiences. So whether you live in Langley, BC or anywhere eIse, I invite you to reach out to me if you have any questions about how I can make your travel dreams come true.

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En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

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Tony Malyk
Consultor de Vacaciones