
Trish Vogler
Consultor de Vacaciones

Trish Vogler

Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Gold

A little bit about myself and my career in the travel industry.

I spent 31 wonderful years working for CPAir which later became Canadian Airlines. I was a Richmond, BC girl so it was always a dream of mine to work for the local airline. After 31 years spent in Vancouver and Prince George, I retired in 2000 and joined Expedia Cruises. I have been with the Surrey office for over 13 years and during this time, I have sailed on many beautiful ships with some amazing. itineraries. I look forward to sharing my expertise with you and know that together, we can find the perfect cruise or holiday destination for you.

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En Expedia® CrucerosTM somos navegantes de experiencias vacacionales espectaculares. Como parte de la marca número uno en viajes, ésta es nuestra promesa a ustedes:

Más información 
  • Asesoramiento de confianza.

  • La mejor alternativa y precios.

  • Extras Expedia®.

  • Más que cruceros.

  • Siempre ahí.

Trish Vogler
Consultor de Vacaciones
Navigators Club - Gold